50 Worst Password of 2019

The list has been out and this is 50 worst password used in 2019.
50. ginger
49. biteme
48. 121212
47. shadow
46. nothing
45. bailey
44. passw0rd
43. zxcvbnm
42. 987654321
41. aa123456
40. secret
39 . !@#$%^&*
38. letmein
37. charlie
36. football
35. freedom
34. donald
33. 1q2w3e4r5t
32. 777777
31. liverpool
30. sunshine
29. michael
28. 333333
27. 1qaz2wsx
26. 666666
25. 123qwe
24. password1
23. dragon
22. princess
21. 888888
19. 7777777
18. lovely
17. 555555
16. 654321
15. qwertyuiop
14. admin
13. 1q2w3e4r
12. qwerty123
11. abc123
10. 123123
9. 111111
8. iloveyou
7. 12345
6. 12345678
5. 1234567
4. password
3. qwerty
2. 123456789
1. 123456
So, which one is your password based on the list?
Credit: Splash Data

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